
  • Fiction

    The Neighbor

    By Brandon Ford This story appears in the Red Room Press Anthology The Death Panel: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. “…it’s your first indication that the book doesn’t flinch in the gore department. Brandon Ford tells the tale of two trailer park denizens, one of whom has a taste — both physically and sexually — for dead girls. Its gruesomeness is one-upped — or three-upped, or whatever…” –Bookgasm Brandon’s story “Modern Celebrity” appears in the Red Room Press anthology Stiff Things: The Splatterporn Anthology. Visit him online at: ———– That was a scream. That was definitely a scream. Nora dropped the dish into the soapy water and peeled…

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  • Fiction

    Hogbutcher’s Heart

     By Randy Chandler This story appears in the short story collection Devils, Death & Dark Wonders by Randy Chandler   Cozy up and I’ll tell you what you don’t know. Guy told me this story. Swore on his dead mama’s soul it was true. Said he knew a guy who knew the dumbshit it happened to. You heard a lot of bullshit tales back in Your Dick Cranked, aka, YDC (Youth Detention Center). But this one had that clapper-clanger ring of truth. I liked it so much I killed the bastard the night he told it to me. Smothered him in his bunk with his own pillow. He was too…

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  • Fiction

    The Beast of Booger Hollow

    By Randy Chandler & Cheryl Mullenax ____________   Todd Sullivan, Videographer The guys called me when their regular videographer ended up in the hospital. I’d worked with Sam and Tessa once before, couple of years before their YouTube channel took off and started making money. It was a one-night gig, typical ghost-hunting crap, but I figured what the hell. Networking, bro. The whole thing was a bust, them prowling around a spooky location, going “What was that?” at imaginary sounds and me shooting the silly charade in night-vision green. So, this time Sam says they’re going to investigate a monster sighting in West Virginia, some coalmine ghost town. And I’m…

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  • Fiction

    Lipstick Swastika

     By Randy Chandler This story appears in the Red Room Press Anthology The Death Panel: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. ======== Miami, 1950 Twilight Towers. 4D. Trench stood in the corridor and eyeballed the lipstick swastika on the door. He reached for a grenade that wasn’t there, his madcap impulse to open the door and blow up a lost nest of Nazis. Instead, he knocked on the door and then waited with hands jammed in the pockets of his pleated trousers. The bolt clacked back and the door opened inward to reveal a buxom blonde in her early thirties, Veronica Lake hairdo and striking blue eyes. A white silk dressing gown…

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  • Fiction

    Blood Sacrifices & the Catatonic Kid

    This story first appeared in the Red Room Press anthology The Death Panel: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. It is reprinted here with permission of Michelle Scalise-Piccirilli. Tom’s great body of work lives on: Amazon Author’s Page ——— Blood Sacrifices & the Catatonic Kid Tom Piccirilli Two moves from mate Barry the chronic masturbator started pawing at the white bishop like he was choking his chicken and said, “Heya, hey, look there—” I turned in time to see the Catatonic Kid get up off his coma couch and cut Harding’s throat with a shiv made from a shard of ceramic ashtray. Harding the orderly stood 6’3 and went two-thirty of mostly…

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